
Be calm, dude. Like a seagull before they spot the chips.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

The Anti-Vax "Movement"

Where to begin.

How to describe a movement based on, at best, pseudo science, and at worst, complete fiction. How many lives are at risk because of people not vaccinating their kids? How many peer reviewed studies show the efficacy of vaccines? How many show vaccines as causative of other illness?* I don't understand why people feel that "Big Pharma" and the Government are out to get us by poisoning our kids. What could they stand to gain? Big Pharma makes more money of cancer, vitamins and anti-ageing treatments. And any time you try to ask an anti-vax person to explain there reasoning they refer to less than credible sources (Jenny McCarty, discredited and retracted studies, "homeopaths", etc) OR (as in one recent online discussion I had, they make up some rubbish like "I KNOW my child so well, I trust my intuition and I KNOW they don't need to be vaccinated". I have had so many discussions on this subject and am yet to be referred to a credible source that shows vaccines are more of a risk than the diseases they are designed to prevent. I have even had anti-vaxxers tell me there is no evidence that vaccines work! One word for you, honey- SMALLPOX. Look it up. There are no credible studies to support the anti-vax stance. I was told that this is because people who don't believe in vaccination are the type who "don't have the money" to fund such studies. Even the biggest Australian Anti-Vax organisation, The AVN, have yet to fund such a study to support their claims. If I see one more person attempt to like Autism to the MMR vaccine, I may well scream.

I don't understand how there can be such a wealth of available information on the benefits of vaccinating, herd immunity, etc etc etc and YET so many people around the world choose to jump at shadows and buy into this conspiracy theory, putting their BABIES, their CHILDREN at risk. And putting at risk other people's babies, the elderly, the immune-compromised. How can they possibly be this selfish, this ridiculous?

*answer- none.

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